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首页 > 供应产品 > 日本NF 燃料电池评价系统As-510 系列
日本NF 燃料电池评价系统As-510 系列
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 44
发货 广东深圳市付款后3天内
品牌 日本NF
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-08-28 11:56

燃料电池评价系统As-510 系列

Multiple ways to measure and evaluate power generation characteristics High-performance analyzerfor testing various power generation characteristics Powerful impedance measurement (As-510-IMU required) Measurement of electrical polarity using cyclic voltammetry (As-510-CVM required) Revolutionary automatic estimation of internal equivalent circuits (As-510-Z required) Automated measurement system for improved test reproducibility 


The system comprises a fuel cell power generation analyzer, an impedance analyzing unit, and system software. It can simultaneously measure impedance characteristics as well as current and voltage characteristics of a fuel cell’s anode cathode, and reference electrode.This automated measuring system allows detailed analyses of fuel cell internal response processes.


Suitable for testing fuel cells equipped with a reference electrodes. 
Provides detailed analysis of fuel cell internal conditions.

Simultaneously measurement of impedance characteristics as well as current and voltage characteristics of anode, cathode, and reference electrode.
Support for a variety of measurements
Measurement of current and voltage characteristics (Tafel plots)
Membrane resistance measurement using current interruption method and step method (PAT.P.)
Impedance measurement (Cole-Cole plots, Bode plots, As-510-IMU required)
Constant current/constant voltage measurement, OCV measurement
Measurement of electrical polarity characteristics using cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep voltammetry (As-510-CVM required)
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) (As-510-CVM required)
Supports automated sequential testing using sets of tests selected by the user.